Thursday, February 28, 2013

What a difference a year makes

A year wasn't a year anymore; it was just another date. I've grieved for so long that I think I convinced myself that I would dread this day, but instead I woke up with a smile! Finally over the tears and tired of holding onto something that wasn't holding on to me. I realize that unconditional love does not mean happy ever after. Now that the fog is evaporating and my depression lifting, I see that the sun really does come out tomorrow, you just have to go outside to see it!! The best part of love is that you can take it with you, carry it in your heart or spread it around the world but it is yours to give freely with as much abundance as you choose.

I thought I would have this nice long blog to write about today but for as scary as moving forward is, I am really okay!! I made it through this year and today is just another day!!