Wednesday, March 21, 2012

My Acquaintances make me a better Friend!!

Making friends as an adult is seemingly hard if not impossible. Life offers very few friends, but many acquaintances. What I've learned is friends may be tired for you, but don't get tired of you. Friends stop and make the time while acquaintances make excuses. Friendship is a give and take, but no one is keeping score of who gave more and they not only recognize but understand when you have none to give. Acquaintances start off strong like a new relationship; you quickly share a lot bonding over like problems normally to learn that was the ONE thing you had in common. Friends feelings aren't easily hurt because they recognize that your pain is cutting you so close, why add unnecessary guilt to your plate. Friends don't take it PERSONAL, because they know that when it's their turn you'll be a true friend indeed. Acquaintances come and go, great for that season. I've learned the value in those that just pass by, leaving small deposits good or bad and withdrawing only the parts they needed. This doesn't necessarily make them selfish or evil, just temporary. Doesn't make me sad or mad just helps me appreciate more the true friends I have. Thank you to all that only stop by and hugs and love to those who stay for life and love me back, flaws and all.

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